Friday, July 15, 2011

Vacation Part 2

Aunt Judy and Baby "T"
and Kayla and Baby "T"
sense a common theme?

After the family reunion husband and I wandered our way through Kentucky and into West Virginia. These two states look amazingly alike in scenery and there are many beautiful turns and twists through the mountains. We arrived at one of our favorite places on Wednesday, 5 days into our trek. This is the home of friends who are more like family or family that just happen to be friends. The line is blurred over the years but we do love this place and the memories of special times here are many. John loves to mow - apparently on any tractor - and had a date with a very overgrown meadow while my friend Judy and I set off to explore a nearby town's antique and arts shops. (perhaps you remember the story of the broken antique root beer canteen last summer? Now we go to neighboring towns where we are yet unknown (haha). Happy to report no incidents this time around and a few fun things found in the exploration. The kids joined us for the weekend along with other friends and we spent time doing what comes naturally in West VA - relaxing, game playing, shooting, and ATV-ing. We did not indulge in river activity this time around but that is usually a "must" as well. The weekend went all too quickly and by Sunday evening we were back home after 10 days on the road. Now we need a vacation to rest from our vacation!

Her first ride on the atv

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