And the next project that is finally completed is the linen closet. I am so proud of John Dear and his efforts on my behalf. I wish I had "before" pictures but at least I have a few "after." The closet is painted and the shelves are covered in fabric - the entire project cost $0.00 using
leftover paint and leftover fabric. A big ole' bag of stuff is headed to freecycle - it is amazing what you can find in the recesses of the closet and the stories they will tell. I found perm rods from my high school perms - does anyone even know what those are? and any number of slings and braces from the kids athletic years. A baby hot water bottle from the days of colic and sheets to bed sizes we don't even have anymore. I am even considering cute little tags to label the baskets of sheets so they stay organized. Yes, seriously laughing at myself!
Now I am off to tackle another room, maybe I will allow myself a "before" picture...but then again - maybe not!
You fixed the creepy doll! And I like the way the closet looks- nice and organized.